Yan Cui

Author of the "Production-ready Serverless" book. AWS Serverless hero.

How to build a social network entirely on serverless

How to build a social network entirely on serverless

In this talk, we will take apart the serverless architecture for a social network, Yubl, and discuss how we implemented different features using serverless technologies such as Lambda - search, user recommendation, news feed, push notifications, business intelligence and so on.

We will discuss the strategies we employed to migrate an existing, monolithic system to serverless. How to identify service boundaries, and migrate features off the monolith without downtime. We will see how events are used heavily to enable us to build loosely-coupled systems and where it doesn’t work so well.

About Yan Cui:

Yan is an experienced engineer who has run production workload at scale in AWS for nearly 10 years. He has been an architect and principal engineer with a variety of industries ranging from banking, e-commerce, sports streaming to mobile gaming. Yan is an AWS Serverless Hero and a regular speaker at tech conferences worldwide. He is also the author of Production-Ready Serverless by Manning and keeps an active blog at https://theburningmonk.com.
