Brian Douglas
Host of the JAMStack radio. Previously at Netlify, currently at GitHub.
bdougieWebsite talks
- JAMStack for clients
at JAMStack San Francisco - Frontend for a Serverless stacks
at JAMStack Conference
Spreading the JAM throughout your CI workflow
The JAMstack is empowering the Microservice and distributed architectures in ways that have not previously conceived. Leveraging this approach puts time back into the pockets of developers and enables to the things they want to do, which is code. Join Brian in walking through how you can leverage this new tool in creating action packed workflows to supercharge your repos on GitHub by building your containers to run arbitrary code, publish packages to registries, and even automate welcoming new users to your projects.
About Brian Douglas:
Brian Douglas is a developer advocate at GitHub, where he mainly works on frontend technology - he was previously at Netlify. He got his start with web development with Rails. Brian is the host of the JAMstack Radio podcast and enjoys exploring new programming languages and sharing his findings.